We want everyone to get the most out of this wonderful community, so we ask that you please read and follow these guidelines:
Remain respectful to users at all times
No offensive posts
Kaleidoscope Learning does not tolerate hate of any kind. Any materials or posts which constitute defamation or harassment will be removed by our admin team. This includes images, videos, links, and other media formats. Users who post this content will be removed from KL Parent Connect by the admin team.
Keep posts relevant to the forum topic
All topics posted on KL Parent Connect must be related to education, child development, and family resources. Topics not related to KL Parent Connect will be subjected to removal by our admin team.
Before posting, please search to see if your question or topic has already been posted by another user. This minimizes duplicate posts.
No spamming, advertising, or self-promotion
Posts and media related to spamming, advertising, or self-promotion will be removed by the admin team. If a user frequently creates posts and shares media related to spamming, advertising, or self-promotion, the admin team will remove the user from KL Parent Connect.
Do not post copy infringement materials
All posts violating this rule will be removed by the admin team.
All information and topics posted on KL Parent Connect are subject to removal from Kaleidoscope Learning and the admin team.
If you have any questions about KL Parent Connect or the rules and guidelines, please reach out to the admin team: president@kscopelearning.org.
Thank you!
- KL Parent Connect Admin Team